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Page Compiled: Martin Melaugh (and Fionnuala McKenna; 1996-2000)
Material is added to this site on a regular basis - information on this page may change

The following is a third draft of an index of the contents of the CAIN site. The index is mainly a subject index however there is also a list by author of the main items at the CAIN site. See also: search page.

A B C D E     F G H I J K L M N     O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



'F' - Abstracts of Organisations beginning with the initial letter 'F'

Fair Employment Agency / Commission
See also: Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1976
Religious and political discrimination and equality of opportunity in Northern Ireland: report on fair employment, 1987
Fair employment in Northern Ireland, May 1988
Falls Road Curfew 3-5 July 1970
Farset Community Think Tanks Project (Island Publications)
Listing of 79 pamphlets; 19 available as PDF files
Feuds (within and between paramilitary organisations)

Fianna Fáil

See Background Information on Northern Ireland Society: Arts and Literature
See also Bibliography of works of Fiction

Films - Films - with 'the Troubles' as a theme

'Between Feminism and Nationalism: Pat Murphy and Film History', by Megan Sullivan  

Fine Gael


Forum for Peace and Reconciliation (FPR)

Framework Document
Full Text   Article - 'The Framework Document and its Discontents' 
See also: Key Events: Peace Process  

Future Ways Programme

Publications: A worthwhile Venture 


'G' - Abstracts of Organisations beginning with the initial letter 'G'

Gardiner Report
- Report of a committee to consider, in the context of civil liberties and human rights, measures to deal with terrorism in Northern Ireland (Jan 1975)

Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition (GRRC)

Gateway to Other Resources

See Background Information on Northern Ireland Society: Geography

Gibraltar Shootings, 6 March 1988

Global Review of Ethnopolitics, The
Series of articles on the topic of Northern Ireland that first appeared in the on-line academic journal 'The Global Review of Ethnopolitics'.
Glossary of Terms
'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' 'G' 'H' 'I' 'J' 'K' 'L' 'M' 'N' 'O' 'P' 'Q' 'R' 'S' 'T' 'U' 'V' 'W' 'X' 'Y' 'Z'
Extract from 'An Alphabetical Listing of Word, Name and Place in Northern Ireland' by Seamus Dunn & Helen Dawson (2000)
Good Friday Agreement / The Belfast Agreement, 10 April 1998
See also Key Event: The Irish Peace Process


Greysteel Killings, 30 October 1993

Guildford Four; Guildford Pub Bombings, 5 October 1974

Guidelines for Contributions to the CAIN Archive

Guides to:
Internet Election Information  
Internet Sites with Information on the Northern Ireland Conflict  
CAIN Learning Resources for Teachers and Students
Northern Ireland Statistics  
Official Statistical Publications  
Research Data on Northern Ireland  
A Guide to Ulster Loyalism and Unionism Online  


'H' - Abstracts of Organisations beginning with the initial letter 'H'

See Key Events - The Hunger Strike of 1981   Internment (1971-1975)
Haass Talks
See The Panel of Parties in the NI Executive

Harrods Bomb, 17 December 1983

See Background Information on Northern Ireland Society: Health and Social Security
Help Menu
Hillsborough Agreement (15th November 1985)
- See Key Event: Anglo-Irish Agreement   Full Text of Agreement 
Hillsborough Declaration (1 April 1999)
Text of Declaration
See also: Key Event - The Irish Peace Process

HMSO - A List of Reports on Northern Ireland: Details and Extracts

Housing - Key Issue
Reading List   Summary  Chronology  Background  Main Pages   Official Statistics   Source Material  
Articles and Reports:
Majority Minority Review 3: Housing and Religion in Northern Ireland, by Martin Melaugh  
'Discrimination and Housing', by Gibson, Michael and Wilson  
'Intimidation in Housing', by John Darby  
'Housing', by Martin Melaugh  
See also: A Guide to Northern Ireland Statistics - Housing

Human Rights Commission

See Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
Hume, John
John Hume: Speeches, Statements, and Articles
Gormley-Heenan, Cathy. (2005) John Hume: A Guide to Internet Resources. CAIN: <>
Hume-Adams Talks
First Joint Statement (24 April 1993)   Second Joint Statement (25 September 1993)   Third Joint Statement (20 November 1993)   Fourth Joint Statement (28 August 1994) 
Hunger Strikes (1981) - Key Event
Reading List   Summary  Background  Chronology  Source Material  
Beresford, David. (1987). Ten Men Dead: The Story of the 1981 Irish Hunger Strike. London: Grafton. ... [2114]
Ross, F. Stuart. (2011). Smashing H-Block: The Popular Campaign against Criminalization and the Irish Hunger Strikes 1976-1982. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. ... [17512]
Hunt Report
- Report of the Advisory Committee on Police in Northern Ireland (October 1969)
Hyde Park Bombs
20 July 1982


'I' - Abstracts of Organisations beginning with the initial letter 'I'

Identity in Northern Ireland - Key Issue
Reading  Sources 
Articles and Reports:
'The Framework Document and its Discontents', by J.D. Cash  
'Politics of place and resistance: the case of Northern Ireland', by A-K. Kuusisto   'National Identity in Northern Ireland', by E. Moxon-Browne 
See Background Information on Northern Ireland Society: Income

Independent Commission on Policing (Patten Commission)

Independent International Commission on Decommissioning (IICD)
Brief abstract on IICD
Agreement establishing the IICD, 26 August 1997  
List of Reports by the IICD 
Indpendent Monitoring Commission (IMC)
Agreement establishing the IMC, (15 September 2003), [PDF File; 91KB]   Explanatory Notes   Northern Ireland (Monitoring Commission etc.) Bill [PDF File; 139KB]   Statement by Secretary of State 
Policy Initiatives   Political Initiatives 
Internet Sites - with Information on the Northern Ireland Conflict
Internment - Key Event
Reading List   Summary  Background Information  Chronology of Events  Official Statistics  Source Material  
Articles and Reports:
Report of the enquiry into allegations against the Security Forces of physical brutality in Northern Ireland arising out of events on the 9th August, 1971 (Compton Report)  
Internment, Chapter 1 from the book: 'We Came in the Morning', by Derrick, Ray. (2002)  
Belfast, August 1971: A Case to be Answered, by Kennally and Preston  
'Internment', by John McGuffin  
'The Guineapigs', by John McGuffin  
'They Came in the Morning: Internment, Monday August 9, 1971: Torture and Brutality in the North', by Seamus O Tuathail 
Introduction of Direct Rule - Key Event

Introduction to the CAIN Internet Site

Introduction to the Northern Ireland Conflict

Irish Language
See Language
Irish National Liberation Army (INLA)
See also: Paramilitary Organisations   Paramilitary Feuds   Estimates of Strength  
Irish Peace Process - Key Event
Summary   Reading List   Background Briefing Paper   Source Documents  
The Agreement Document - Full Text  Newspaper headlines following The Agreement  
Referendum: Party Positions   Referendum: Results  
Chronology - Peace Process, 1988-1993  
Chronology - Peace Process, 1993-1998  
Chronology - Peace Process, 1998-1999  
Articles and Reports:
'The Framework Document and its Discontents', by J.D. Cash  
'Nailing the Balance' by Birney and O'Neill  
'Peace or pacification process? A brief critique of the peace process', by Chris Gilligan  
'Going to the Edge', by B. Rowan  
'The Irish Peace Process' by J. Ingraham  
'Northern Ireland between Peace and War' by Peter Shirlow and Paul Stewart  
'The Role of Civil Society', by Clem McCartney   'Policing and the Northern Ireland Peace Process', by R. MacGinty  
Irish People's Liberation Organisation (IPLO)
See also: Paramilitary Organisations   Paramilitary Feuds   Estimates of Strength  
Irish Republican Army (IRA)
See also: Paramilitary Organisations   Paramilitary Feuds   Estimates of Strength   List of IRA Statements  
Irish Republican Army (IRA) Truce (9 February 1975 to 23 January 1976) - Key Event
Island Publications (Farset Community Think Tanks Project)
Listing of 79 pamphlets; 19 available as PDF files
Key Issues of the Northern Ireland Conflict
Abstentionism   Children   Collusion   Commemoration   Community_Relations   Cross-Community_Marriage   Discrimination   Education   Employment   European_Union   Housing   Law_Order   Media   Minority_Languages   Parades   Policing   Policy_Initiatives   Politics/Political_Parties/Elections   Population   Reconciliation   Segregation   Sport   Unification   Victims_Survivors   Violence   Women  


'J' - Abstracts of Organisations beginning with the initial letter 'J'

Joint Declaration on Peace


'K' - Abstracts of Organisations beginning with the initial letter 'K'

Key Events of the Northern Ireland Conflict
Civil_Rights   Internment   UWC_Strike   Hunger_Strike   Peace_Process 
Derry_March   People's_Democracy_March   Deployment_of_British_Troops   'Bloody_Sunday'   Direct_Rule   'Bloody_Friday'   Sunningdale   Dublin&Monaghan_Bombs   IRA_Truce,_1975-76   UUAC_Strike   Constitutional_Convention   Anglo-Irish_Agreement   Brooke/Mayhew_Talks   Omagh_Bomb 
Key Issues of the Northern Ireland Conflict
Abstentionism   Children   Collusion   Commemoration   Community_Relations   Cross-Community_Marriage   Discrimination   Education   Employment   European_Union   Housing   Law_Order   Media   Minority_Languages   Parades   Policing   Policy_Initiatives   Politics/Political_Parties/Elections   Population   Reconciliation   Segregation   Sport   Unification   Victims_Survivors   Violence   Women  
Killings / Deaths Resulting from the Conflict
Malcolm Sutton's Index of Deaths, 14 July 1969 to 31 December 2001
See also:
Draft lists of (yearly) deaths related to the conflict (in separate Web pages):
2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020  
Draft list of deaths related to the conflict from 2002 to the present (in a single Web page)

Kingsmill Killings, 5 January 1976


'L' - Abstracts of Organisations beginning with the initial letter 'L'

La Mon Restaurant Bombings, 17 February 1978

Labour Party of Northern Ireland
See Key Issue: Politics, Political Parties and the Electoral System
Language - Minority Languages in Northern Ireland
Articles and Reports:
'Nationalists and the Irish Language in Northern Ireland: Competing Perspectives' by Camille O'Reilly; and
'Protestant Learners of Irish in Northern Ireland' by Gordon McCoy;
both in Aodáin Mac Póilin (ed) (1997) The Irish Language in Northern Ireland
Planning Issues for Irish Language Policy: 'An Foras Teanga' and 'Fiontair Teanga' by Diarmait MacGiolla Chríost
Law and Order
See Key Issues: Administration of Justice   Policing   Violence   Criminal Justice Review  
'Extradition' by Karen McElrath (2000)  
See also: Background Information on Northern Ireland Society: Law and Order
Learning Resoures on CAIN
Guides to learning resources on CAIN
Leaving Certificate Exam
Leaving Certificate History Topic 5 - Guide to Relevant Materials on CAIN


Details and extracts from Government reports relating to Northern Ireland

Links to Internet Sites with an interest in the Northern Ireland Conflict

List of Acronyms

List of Contributors to the CAIN Web Service

Loyalist Association of Workers (LAW)

See Key Event: Ulster Workers' Council Strike
See Background Information on Northern Ireland Society: Arts and Literature
Extracts from Writing the North - The Contemporary Novel in Northern Ireland by Laura Pelaschiar (1998)
Extracts from A Rage for Order: Poetry of the Northern Ireland Troubles ed. Frank Ormsby (1992,1994)
Extracts from The Hurt World: Short Stories of the Troubles ed. Michael Parker(1995)
Local Councils
Contact details for 26 Local Councils
See also Key Issue: Politics, Political Parties and the Electoral System

Loughgall Killings, 8 May 1987

Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF)
See also: Paramilitary Organisations   Paramilitary Feuds   Estimates of Strength  


'M' - Abstracts of Organisations beginning with the initial letter 'M'

Macrory Report
- Local Government in Northern Ireland (May 1970)
McGuinness, Martin
Clarke, Liam. and Johnston, Kathryn. (2001), Conclusion: An End to the IRA? chapter 19 from MARTIN MCGUINNESS: From Guns to Government. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing.
McGurk's Pub Bombing, 4 December 1971
Manifestos of the political parties
Map of Cain Internet Site
Outline Maps of: Northern Ireland; Counties   Northern Ireland; District Council Areas  
Northern Ireland; Large Map   Northern Ireland; Small Map  
Northern Ireland; Main Cities, Towns, and Villages   Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland  
Distribution of Catholics at Ward Level, Maps for Greater Belfast and Northern Ireland (2001), by Dr Sunil Prasannan
GIS Maps and Google Maps in the section entitled 'Visualising the Conflict'
plus other social and political maps
See Key Issue: Parades and Marches 
See also Key Events: Derry March, Oct 1968   People's Democracy March, Jan. 1969 
Marriage, Mixed/Cross-Community Marriages
Articles and Reports:
'Cross-Community Marriage in Northern Ireland', by G. Robinson  
'Mixed Marriages in Northern Ireland', by Morgan, Smith, Robinoson and Fraser 
Mayhew, Sir Patrick
See also Key Event: Brooke /Mayhew Talks (April 1991 to November 1992).
Sean Farren Papers - Brook / Mayhew Talks
Reading List   Background   Sources  
The Peter Heathwood Collection of Television Programmes  
Searchable List of Television Programmes 1968-1996  
List of Televison Programmes 1968-78  
List of Media Organisations in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland  
Source material related to 'Section 31'  
Articles and Reports:
'The Media', by Alan Bairner  
'The British Press and Northern Ireland', by Eamon McCann  
'Damien Wlash Memorial Lecture', by Roy Greenslade  
Calendar of Newspaper Articles dealing with Civil Rights issues, 1 June 1968 - 9 December 1968 by Alan Scott
Closing down the Airwaves: the story of the Broadcasting Ban', by Ed Moloney  
'Ulster Loyalism and the British Media' by Alan F. Parkinson (1998)  

Melaugh Photographs - Collection of 350 photographs of 'the Troubles'

Physical Memorials to those killed in the Conflict
See Commemoration in Northern Ireland
See Northern Ireland Memorials iPhone App
See the information, and a series of 444 photographs, by Elisabetta Viggiani of physical memorials in Belfast (2006)
Kerr, Robert. (2008). 'Republican Belfast: A Political Tourist's Guide'. Belfast: MSF Press.

Miami Showband Killings, 31 July 1975

Military Reaction Force (MRF)

Mitchell Report, 24 January 1996

Mitchell Talks (1996-1998), from Sean Farren's Papers

Moloney Collection

The Political Ephemera Collection of Peter Moloney
Guide to political ephemera material on CAIN
Monaghan Bombs
See Key Event: Dublin and Monaghan Bombs

Movies - Movies with 'the Troubles' as a theme


Murals - Political Wall Murals in Northern Ireland

The Bogside Artists
Guildhall Press. (2008). Murals of Derry. Derry: Guildhall Press.
Jarman, Neil. (1998). 'Painting Landscapes', in, Symbols in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Queen's University Belfast.
Mural Directory by Dr Jonathan McCormick  
Loyalist Murals  
Republican Murals  
Rolston, Bill. (1998). Contemporary Murals (1998)
Rolston, Bill. (1995). 'Drawing Support 2: Murals of War and Peace'
Rolston, Bill. (1994). 'Drawing Support: Murals in the North of Ireland'
Woods, Oona. (1995) 'Seeing is Believing? Murals in Derry'
See also: Arts and Literature in Northern Ireland


'N' - Abstracts of Organisations beginning with the initial letter 'N'

National Archives of Ireland, The (NAI)
New Ireland Forum, 30 May 1983
New Ireland Forum Report 
New Ulster Movement
Annual Report, 1970-71   Annual Report, 1971-72
Calendar of Newspaper Articles dealing with Civil Rights issues, 1 June 1968 - 9 December 1968 by Alan Scott
North Commission / North Report
See also Key Issue: Parades and Marches
Northern Ireland Act
1982   1998
Northern Ireland Assembly
The Northern Ireland Assembly (November 1982 to June 1986)
See section on Government in Key Issue: Politics, Political Parties and Elections

Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA)

See Key Event: Civil Rights Campaign
Northern Ireland Constitutional Convention, 1975-1976

Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission

Northern Ireland Office

Northern Ireland Parliament

See section on Government in Key Issue: Politics, Political Parties and Elections
Northern Ireland Peace Process - Key Event
Summary   Reading List   Background Briefing Paper   Source Documents  
The Agreement Document - Full Text  Newspaper headlines following The Agreement  
Referendum: Party Positions   Referendum: Results  
Chronology - Peace Process, 1988-1993  
Chronology - Peace Process, 1993-1998  
Chronology - Peace Process, 1998-1999  
Articles and Reports:
'The Framework Document and its Discontents', by J.D. Cash  
'Nailing the Balance' by Birney and O'Neill  
'Peace or pacification process? A brief critique of the peace process', by Chris Gilligan  
'Going to the Edge', by B. Rowan  
'The Irish Peace Process' by J. Ingraham  
'Northern Ireland between Peace and War' by Peter Shirlow and Paul Stewart  
'The Role of Civil Society', by Clem McCartney   'Policing and the Northern Ireland Peace Process', by R. MacGinty  

Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey (NISAS)

Northern Ireland Social Science Bibliography

Northern Ireland Society

Northern Ireland Statistics, A Guide to
Agricultural statistics   Crime and Justice statistics   Demography statistics   Education statistics   Employment and Labour Force statistics   Eurostat Publications   Finance statistics   General publications   General UK statistical publications   Health and personal social services statistics   Housing statistics   Industry statistics   Social security statistics   Social statistics   Tourism statistics   Transport statistics 
Northern Ireland Women's Coalition (NIWC)
See Key Issue: Politics, Political Parties and the Electoral System
Bibliography of works of Fiction
Magee, Patrick. (2001) 'Appendix A: Category (a) novels by year of first publication', in, Gangsters or Guerrillas? Representations of Irish Republicans in 'Troubles Fiction'. Belfast: Beyond the Pale Publications.
Extracts from Writing the North - The Contemporary Novel in Northern Ireland by Laura Pelaschiar (1998)
Background Information on Northern Ireland Society: Arts and Literature

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CAIN contains information and source material on the conflict and politics in Northern Ireland.
CAIN is based within Ulster University.

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